Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Running With Podcasts

I'll say it:  I'm not sure I'd be a runner if not for podcasts.  Listening to podcasts has gotten me through some of my most tedious treadmill slogs, my most gloomy runs at the Pettit, and my most arduous training runs.  I used to be committed to my music playlists when I ran, but now I rarely turn on the tunes (unless I need a little extra burst of speed  - then you betcha I've got some Taylor Swift ready to go. #trueconfessions).

To state what might not be obvious to everyone, a podcast is an episodic digital audio file not unlike a radio show or serial.  There are podcasts out there about everything:  running podcasts, human interest story podcasts, Star Wars podcasts, Sudoku fan podcasts, hiking and mountaineering podcasts.  Basically, choose your interest and there's probably at least a half dozen podcasts on the topic.

Podcasts can be downloaded to your iPhone either through the iTunes player or through a third party podcast app.  I use an app called Podcruncher.  Podcruncher has a simple interface and a lot of options that make it easy to download and listen to podcasts.  My favorite feature is the playlist creator.  (If you have an Android phone or some other device, sorry: I know nothing about them but I suspect through the use of voodoo and good vibes you can listen to podcasts on your weird non-Apple device too).  #nothelpful

So, how about some podcast recommendations?  I have plenty.

Running podcasts

If you are reading this at all, you probably have at least a passing interest in running, so let's start out with some great running podcasts.

Ten Junk Miles - TJM is my favorite running podcast.  The podcast is created by a group of mostly ultrarunners who talk about everything from chafing to karaoke to some of their weird and crazy race experiences.  (I want an invite to the Retaste of Chicago someday!) They typically have guests from the ultrarunning world who are always interesting and entertaining.  The podcast can get laugh-out-loud funny at times, and it really makes the miles go by.  I save this one for my long runs.

Ultrarunner Podcast - URP takes on ultrarunning from the speedy side of things by interviewing mostly accomplished ultrarunners.  While I can't relate to their speed, I enjoy listening to their take on various races around the world, and it is a neat glimpse into how the other half lives and runs.

Trail Runner Nation - This podcast is a little more diverse.  It has interviews with accomplished trail runners, but it has plenty of episodes featuring Q&As with sports medicine folks, nutritionists, coaches, races directors, and people from all sides of trail running.

Okay, it can't all be about running, can it?  Let's switch it up.

True Crime Podcasts

True crime is all the rage right now.  The Netflix documentary Making a Murderer is everywhere, there has been a surge in true crime podcasts of all stripes, and Serial, the podcast that added the word "podcast" to the lexicons of millions of people is in its second season.

Serial - You just can't talk about podcasts without taking on Serial.  In fact, if you are new to podcasts, Serial Season One is probably the best place to start.  Created by the creators of This American Life, Season One featured journalist Sarah Koenig's investigation into the 1999 murder of a young woman named Hae Min Lee.  Through compelling storytelling, Koenig leads listeners through the evidence in a way that calls into question whether the man who is doing time for her murder is really the killer.  It is a great listen and it truly deserves the accolades that it has received.

Sword and Scale - This is one of the grittier and more graphic true crime podcasts that I have come across.  Each episode features a strange and awful crime, ranging from the Jonestown massacre to "satanic panic" to more obscure and strange murders.  The episodes can be a little hard to listen to as they often include "real" media, like 911 calls and interviews, but that's also part of what makes this podcast so compelling.  I have actually fallen out of love with this podcast recently as I feel as though the quality has declined a bit, but I still recommend the earlier episodes as they are very well done.

Criminal - Criminal takes on the subject of crime from all angles.  In one episode we hear about the beautiful relationship between a police officer and his retired K9 partner.  In another we hear about a woman who was duped by an online love interest.  In another we learn more than we ever wanted to know about the theft of wood from the Petrified Forest National Park.  You never know what you'll get with Criminal, but it is always a solid, entertaining listen.

Too serious?  I'll admit that I scared the heck out of myself when I made the mistake of listening to a certain episode of Sword and Scale while on a long, lonely run on the Glacial Drumlin Trail.  #boo! If true crime is too real for you, there are other options.

Offbeat Podcasts

The Mystery Show - The Mystery Show tackles a new, slightly wacky, totally inconsequential mystery each episode.  Despite the stakes being about as low as they could possibly be, every single mystery unfolds in such a compelling way that you can't help but be engaged.  From reuniting a weird belt buckle with its owner to figuring out what Britney Spears is reading, The Mystery Show is always delightful.

Reasonable Doubt - I can't say that I'm a huge fan of comedian Adam Carolla or attorney Mark Geragos, but when they are together for the Reasonable Doubt podcast, they put on a great show.  They tackle the legal side of current events without ever getting dull or bogged down in the uninteresting side of the law. Mark always has great insight from some of his high-profile cases, and Adam's off-the-cuff remarks make the show very listenable.  New episodes are released every Saturday, and before I take on my Saturday long run I always make sure I have the latest Reasonable Doubt loaded up.

The Moth - The Moth is about all about storytelling.  Great storytellers share their stories that are sometimes grand, sometimes mundane, but always entertaining and often moving.  I have been moved to tears by this podcast and I have been reduced to laughter by it as well - sometimes within the same episode.

Limetown - Limetown takes Serial's compelling investigative format and turns it on a fictional storyline.  The result is an incredibly immersive adventure which goes well with a good, long run. I can't say much about the plot without giving it away, but I suspect you'll be hooked after an episode. Season one recently ended with little closure and I am looking forward to more Limetown in the future.

The world of podcasts is booming right now, and because I listen to so many podcasts, I'd like to make podcast reviewing a regular feature on the ol' blog.

Do you listen to podcasts?  What are you listening to these days?  Recommend something - I'm always looking for more things to listen to.

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